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Coming Soon: Early Bird Shopping Pass

Coming Soon: Early Bird Shopping Pass

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Shop early! Get premiere access to the sale one day before goes live.

Early Bird Shopping Passes:

12 Passes will be available for purchase ($25 each) Sunday, December 15th at 10am central time. 

Early Bird Shopping Window:

Sunday, December 15th from 11am-Noon Central Time: Early Bird Pass purchasers will have 1 hour to make purchases. (Noon-1pm eastern/ 9am-10am pacific). The early bird shopping window closes after one hour.


  • ONE Pass is for the Purchase of ONE piece.
  • Early Bird Shopping pass purchase price does NOT apply to the purchase total.
  • Purchases of Early Bird Shopping Passes are first come, first served.
  • Purchases must be made within 1 hour shopping window.
  • No reservations or holds will be made for specific pieces.

Early Bird Pass purchasers will receive an email with further instructions.